With over 19,000 sexy actresses featured on Mr Skin, it's safe to say that you can find pretty much every female movie star in there. There's obviously lot's of variety, and with daily updates, new girls and scenes are added all the time. Don't know the name of an actress? No worries, you can browse nude scenes by movies or TV series and even use the search engine to find girls that match your interests.
Everything from sexy bikini/underwear scenes to slutty sex scenes can be found on Mr.Skin. Of course, not all celebrities have done nude scenes, but the guys at Mr Skin do a great job at finding the sexiest scenes available. And it's not limited to movie or tv series either, sexy talkshow, award appearances and music videos are also covered.
Pictures on Mr Skin are basically screenshots taken from movies, so quality tends to go along that of the original movie's quality. The newest HD scenes look pretty good as screenshots, but I still think there is room from improvement there.
The videos on Mr Skin are great, very entertaining if you have a bit of a voyeur side. Some even have a pretty cool integrated slow-motion version in them so you don't miss out on the best parts. Quality varies, but it's definitely getting better and the latest HD scenes are awesome.
I like the new look and feel of the Mr Skin site. It's simple, yet modern and the navigation system is effective. The advanced search engine is nicely done, with multiple filters and options available, allowing users to search for actresses, movies or TV series. The site also features a lot of fun stuff, including various playlists in multiple categories, multiple top lists, original Mr Skin videos and a blog.
If you have ever watched one painfully boring movie just to catch a glimpse of your favorite actresses tits, you will find Mr Skin very convenient. Mr Skin focuses on the good parts, so there is no need to sit around for 2 hours waiting for a 30 seconds nude scene. If you have a thing for celebs, Mr Skin is the way to go.